Friday, November 20, 2009

The birth of kelly kathryn designs!

Here goes nothing. Knowing that I will be getting rid of the Gukanovich part of my name, and since I love my middle name, I decided to go with kelly kathryn designs!
I hope everyone likes it! Here's my "logo"!
Let me know what you think!


Monday, November 16, 2009

Here comes Christmas!

Need a last minute Christmas card or Holiday card created to send out to friends?! I'd be more than happy to design your 2009 Holiday Card! Send me an email if you're interested!

And don't forget, there's always Happy New Year Cards too! :-)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Logo Concepts!

Recently I have been working with a local photographer and his logo. He wanted to have a logo that will ultimately give the viewer that "ah ha!" moment when they figure out what the logo secretly spells out... here are my ideas! Comments are definitely welcome!
